In August of 2021, I had the privilege of becoming part of the Leadership Anne Arundel Flagship Class of 2022. This program includes an intense civic information and leadership skills development curriculum that runs for nine months. It requires one entire workday a month and also has a service-learning project.
Along with seven other of my classmates, I decided to take on the ambitious task of creating a leadership program for a group of teens who live in public housing communities. We each planned a day centered around a topic we believed would interest the children based on prior feedback. I was assigned agriculture day and worked with a farmer in Southern Anne Arundel County to plan a day packed with hands-on/experienced-based learning.
The teens reported having so much fun, and even some of the adults shared that they learned something about themselves. Below is the flyer I created to get the kids excited about the session and a video I recorded, with some help from the teens, and edited to highlight some of the fun we had.