An excellent piece of content usually requires a lot of thought, research, and development to create, so why not make the most of it? Repurposing content is a great way to make one great piece of content into many.
With surging COVID rates, County officials began thinking of ways to inform residents on how to have a safe Thanksgiving. The communications department for both the County Executive's Office and the Department of Health worked with a local PR firm to create a toolkit filled with graphics and captions for social media. The toolkit was in PDF format, and while brilliant, I saw this as a perfect opportunity to repurpose content.
I created a landing page that featured all the best elements of the PDF but made it easier for visitors to sort through. Of course, some will prefer the PDF document, so I gave the option to download the full PDF in exchange for an email address. So, it also served as a lead capture. With the landing page, we were able to track the number of page visits, the number of PDF downloads, the average time spent on the page, and view a click map. Take a look at the images below to see how I transformed a fantastic PDF into a powerful landing page.